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Group bookings

The accommodation rooms Metsä, Valo and Kuutamo accommodate approx. 10-13 people (depending on the sleeping arrangements). 


In the sunroom, there is the possibility of mattress accommodation for a group of approx. 10 people.


In the summer, two shed rooms are also available and the possibility of staying overnight in a tent/mobile home in the yard.


The facilities are therefore suitable for a larger group if needed!

Villa Ora's

Group bookings

Are you looking for accommodation for a larger group? Villa Ora's welcomes even larger groups to stay overnight! The spaces are easily adapted whether the need is for a smaller group of a few people or a group of twenty people.


Regarding group reservations, you should send a message in time so that we can reserve the necessary places for your use only.


Send us a message and tell us about your needs and we will contact you!

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